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Chol Hamoed Youth Trips 5785


   Ferox-October 20th-$62
   Six Flags-October 21st-$100-ages 11+
   Islanders Game-October 22nd-$62
   Bowling-October 23rd-$10
   Ferox-October 20th-$72
   Six Flags-October 21st-$110-Ages 11+
   Islanders Game-October 22nd-$72
   Bowling-October 23rd-$20
I acknowledge that my child assumes all risks of being injured while attending any Chol Hamoed Trips and while traveling to and from the facilities. I agree to hold the Young Israel of Lawrence-Cedarhurst and its officials, coordinators and all other staff, harmless from any liability, loss, or personal expense arising out of my child's participation in the program.
Wed, October 16 2024 14 Tishrei 5785