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                                                        High Holidays 5785

Dear Friends

Every Aseres Yemei Teshuva we want to change.
And yet, a year later when we reevaluate ourselves a year later, we fall short of our lofty goals.
Perhaps that is the normal course of dreams-and-reality. This year I would like to try something with you.
I want to share a basic framework for personal growth called the Change Checklist.
It is the outgrowth of many honest conversations with many growth-oriented members of our community.
It is an attempt to do better for ourselves for the year 5785.
With a little structure, direction and accountability we can achieve realistic growth.

Please take a look at the instructions and then take charge of your Change Checklist in your own way.
I am happy to send the Word version to anyone who wants it, so you can edit it easily.

May this be a year of growth and fulfilment.

Gmar Chasima Tova.

Rabbi Ya'akov Trump


Ideas to Reflect on

We have had so many inspiring and uplifting events leading up to Rosh Hashana.
While not everybody could make it to every presentation, please consider choosing an idea to learn and put into practice in the coming days. Below, please see a number of the recent shiurim that took place through shul.


Selichos Practicum

Selichos Practicum |

click below for the recording of this event:

Rosh Hashana To-Go
(with article by Rabbi Trump)

/togo/roshhashana (


Torah Web Event:

Is There Room for Simcha Amidst Protracted Suffering? - Rabbi Mayer Twersky (

What Went Wrong With Our Tefillos Last Year and How Can We Fix It? (2024) - Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz (

Birkas Kohanim Practicum:

YUTorah Online

Lunch and Learn on the Ideas of Eim Habanim Smeicha:

YUTorah Online

YUTorah Online

YUTorah Online

Rabbi Trump's Hamizrachi Article:

The Reawakening of Young Leadership – World Mizrachi




Wed, October 16 2024 14 Tishrei 5785